> Thanks, I'm not so desperate... You make it sound as if it were terribly complicated. It's not.
1. Download the Mathematica 9 fonts and unpack them somewhere. 2. Run afmtodit -s -d .../devps/DESC .../Mathematica1.afm .../mathematica1.map .../devps/Mathematica1 afmtodit -s -d .../devps/DESC .../Mathematica1-Bold.afm .../mathematica1.map .../devps/Mathematica1-Bold (complete the paths indicated by "..." to fit your groff installation and where you put the font files). 3. Add an appropriate entry for Mathematica1.pfa and Mathematica1-Bold.pfa in .../devps/download That's it. Then try it out using something like the attached example.
CapAlpha *A CapBeta *B CapGamma *G CapDelta *D CapEpsilon *E CapZeta *Z CapEta *Y CapTheta *H CapIota *I CapKappa *K CapLambda *L CapMu *M CapNu *N CapXi *C CapOmicron *O CapPi *P CapRho *R CapSigma *S CapTau *T CapUpsilon *U CapPhi *F CapChi *X CapPsi *Q CapOmega *W Alpha *a Beta *b Gamma *g Delta *d Epsilon *e Zeta *z Eta *y Theta *h Iota *i Kappa *k Lambda *l Mu *m Nu *n Xi *c Omicron *o Pi *p Rho *r Sigma *s Tau *t Upsilon *u Phi *f Chi *x Psi *q Omega *w CurlyPhi +f CurlyPi +p CurlyTheta +h FinalSigma ts
.\" eqn .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------- .fp 1 TR Times-Roman .fp 2 TI Times-Italic .fp 3 TB Times-Bold .fp 4 TQ Times-BoldItalic .fp 5 MR Mathematica1 .fp 6 MB Mathematica1-Bold .fp 7 SS Symbol-Slanted .fp 8 S Symbol .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------- .de I .if \\n(.$=0 .ft TI .if \\n(.$=1 \f[TI]\,\\$1\/\fP .if \\n(.$=2 \f[TI]\,\\$1\/\fP\\$2 .if \\n(.$=3 \\$1\f[TI]\,\\$2\/\fP\\$3 .. .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------- .sp 3c .ps 12 .vs 14 .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------- .EQ gfont TI grfont TR delim $$ define mbold % font MB % .EN $alpha + beta = gamma$. $mbold alpha + mbold beta = mbold gamma$. .I ( Mathematica "" fonts by Wolfram Research, Inc.)
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