I agree with Keith.
I was responsible for HP's man pages for five years. The '\"
convention is very well established and should be maintained for
full compatibility. Adding new "features in this manner does
nothing but add contamination and confusion to the noise.
If grog doesn't follow the '\" construct, it's grog that needs
to be brought into compliance.
On 05/26/2014 04:29 PM, Keith Marshall wrote:
On 26/05/14 23:19, Bernd Warken wrote:
The usage of '\" for the first line could be done within a short time.
But `grog' uses both methods '\" and .\".
It seems to be good to use logical stuff and leave space for
other stuff as well, as `grog' does now.
Better don't ask were the man group got their ideas from. The brain
would be the better computer (try to send the words "one plus one equals"
upwards, or later on the word "laws").
Huh? So what? What grog does is irrelevant. The convention, to which
our manpage sources need to conform, is established by man(1). This is
beyond our control; if groff_char.7 doesn't comply, it should be fixed.