On 3/27/14, Peter Schaffter <pe...@schaffter.ca> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2014, Boss Hog wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 03:34:27AM -0500, Dave Kemper wrote:
>> >
>> > My feeling is that the quality of the line-breaking algorithm is something
>> > that will be noticed by typography nerds, but the difficulty of installing
>> > new typefaces...
> Have you checked out the 'install-font.sh' script at
>   http://www.schaffter.ca/mom/mom-05.html#install-font
> Takes about two seconds to install a font.

I've used this script and I agree it's great.  But it's not part of groff,
not distributed with groff, and as far as I can find, not mentioned
in groff documentation anywhere.  It's a solution to a general groff
problem that's only mentioned in mom documentation.  Really, it--or
something with similar functionality--should be distributed with groff
unless/until groff can handle other font formats natively.

>> Personally I enjoy adjusting the kerning pairs via the groff font,

That sounds like a defining hallmark of "typography nerd"  ;-)

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