Charlie Kester <>: > Disagree with your assertion that ncurses-based apps are dead or dying. > For example, there are a lot of people using mutt for email and the > non-GUI version of vim for general text editing, and these (and many > other ncurses apps) are actively maintained.
I concur with this disagreement. I'm reading this mail in mutt. And not because I'm an old fart from a relatively early cohort of Unix hackers either - though that is arguably true, and the "relatively early" part is descriptive anywhere I'm not sharing an email list with Doug McIlroy :-). TUI (terminal user interface) applications retain significant utility because they can be used over low-bandwidth connections and ssh, and don't have the number of fragile environmental dependencies typical for GUIs. That use case won't be vanishing anytime soon. -- <a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>