Dave and I have been discussing font installation off list and this unrelated issue came up, to which I'd like to respond publicly.
----- Forwarded message from Dave Kemper <saint.s...@gmail.com> ----- ...but at the end of the day, it doesn't help me shake my suspicion that the core groff package is essentially abandonware. Plenty of people, yourself included, are actively maintaining macro packages and other utilities to help groff interact with the wider modern world. And it has a healthy and robust user community who are more than willing to help each other out, which is great. But since Werner has retired from development and no one else has shown much inclination to take it up, it seems that basic groff isn't going to evolve significantly. ----- End forwarded message ----- I've been dreading the day Werner stepped down as lead developer. Werner, you have fulfilled the role perfectly, and I know I speak for everyone on the list when I say you have earned not only our respect, but our admiration. Being a lead developer entails qaulities that go far beyond coding skills, not the least of which are diplomacy and an unflappable demeanour. You have exhibited both over and over again. Under your leadership, groff has matured wonderfully, remaining an active and vital part of the GNU project. My gratitude knows no bounds. We will never find another like Werner, but the issue is before us: Where does groff go from here, and who will take up the reins? -- Peter Schaffter http://www.schaffter.ca