On 11/11/13 21:16:17, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:

> The other is a musty old tome written a half-century ago, in
> the days of hot type, by the State Government Printer. This is
> my Bible for it not only tells me How it also tells me Why. It
> does not always agree with US or UK manuals, even though there
> are certain similarities in the three languages.

That sounds very interesting.  Is it available as a scan somewhere?

I doubt whether it is available as a scan, but there may be some second hand copies on eBay. It took me ages to obtain mine -- I never thought to liberate a copy when I left the Public Service.

"Printing Style Manual" by Victor C. N. Blight, Government Printer

I think the original edition was in the late 1960s, but it was reprinted with minor revisions a couple of years later (I can't put my hands on my copy at the moment).

V C N Blight served for decades as the Government Printer for the State of New South Wales. During this time the Government Printer printed everything: legislation, books, manuals, periodicals, technical & scientific treatises, train tickets, bus timetables. Every kind of printer imaginable was used.

It is obvious that the Manual was written for the Government Printing Office staff and for those in government agencies who submitted manuscripts for printing.

Robert Thorsby

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