Anton Shterenlikht <> writes: I tried on a Linux machine and I got the same results. It's using an older version, Groff 1.18.1. You might want to do a groff -v and see which one are you using. On BSD 10, I would imagine that is 1.21.
> It results in a mangled caption. The maths are > reproduced, but there are lots of gibberish too. The gibberish are part of the macro code that is seeping in because of the continuation lines. I know that groff is finicky regarding strings and they tend to cause problems when splitted. I tried adding \c \n and \& to mixed results. \n did not work, it gives a warning. \c never completes the caption and \&, well does nothing really. So, I ran out of pixie dust. Perhaps one with more knowledge can pitch in. -- Luis Anaya papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com "Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo