On 30-Jul-2012 22:06:18 Timothy Groves wrote:
> I need to embed subscripts in my document.  In particular, I want 
> something that in eqn would be expressed as 'V sub 0' and 'V sub 1'.  
> There appears to be no glyphs suitable to this job available in groff, 
> and I cannot use eqn in the context that I need this expression, because 
> inline eqn produces results inconsistent with the surrounding text.
> I am using groff 1.21 and ms.  Any suggestions?

If you want subscripts in a similar style to eqn subscripts (i.e. at
reduced point size), then you can use \*<X\*> to make X into a
subscript, and also \*{Y\*} to make Y into a superscript.

So, for instance, your "V sub 0" and "V sub 1" would be done as

  V\*<0\*>   V\*<1\*>

Note that this makes no reference to what precedes it, unlike eqn
where 'sub' situates the subscript beside the "bottom right-hand
corner" of what precedes it; \*<X\*> simply moves down a bit from
the current position, reduces the point size, outputs whatever X
may be, and then resets the point size and moves back up. So

  V\*<This is a subscript\*>

is perfectly possible.

You can refine the style of this by defining your own version of
\*< and \*> as strings, using
.ds < [...]
.ds > [...]
to, for instance, move down a different amount, or not change the
point size by so much, etc.

Hoping this helps,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.hard...@wlandres.net>
Date: 31-Jul-2012  Time: 00:03:43
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