On 18-Apr-2012 17:41:09 Cedric Sodhi wrote:
>> As for the ß character, try using the -k option to invoke the
>> preconv(1) preprocessor. That should also fix any other
>> non-ASCII characters (vowels with umlauts, for example) as well.
> Hello Larry,
> I'm already using preconv.
> -- Cedric

When it comes to things like ß, is there an objection to using
ASCII escapes such as \[ss]? There are several of these pre-defined
in the font files, such as:

\[`A] --> À  \['A] --> Á  \[^A] --> Â
\[~A] --> Ã  \[:A] --> Ä  \[oA] --> Å

and so on -- and of course

\[ss] --> ß

For special characters which may not be there but which can be
composed using accents, then you can define your own \[...]
if you have a suitable "make accented characters" macro.

I don't know about mm, but ms has the .AM macro which sets
up various definitions of accent placement and defines a basic
selection of accented characters. You can modify this to define
further accent placements, and to extend the available accented
character set (I have defined some 200 such, for various languages).

(Plus also human-readable Cyrillic characters, so that one
can write, for instance, \[Tch]a\[i:]kovski\[i:] ) -- but this
requires a further call of a macro to define the Cyrillics).

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.hard...@wlandres.net>
Date: 18-Apr-2012  Time: 21:32:46
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