On 17-Apr-2012 02:11:55 Timothy Groves wrote:
> Is there a way to move the footer up within the footer margin
> when using ms? By default, groff+ms places the footer halfway
> down the footer margin, which is not what I want, but any attempt
> to move it up by inserting a .sp -x in .BT either results in an
> error [ fatal error: input stack limit exceeded (probable infinite
> loop) ] or else produces a smear of footers. This leads me to
> think that the .sp order is causing the footer macro to re-issue.
> Any suggestions?

Changing the default nehaviour intrinsicallywould involve
re-writing some of the morecomplicated parts of the ms macro
code! Provided your frooters are explicitly defined somewhere
in your document, you can achieve the effect you seek by
putting vertical-motion escapes into your footer definitions.

For example, you may define

.ds CF \f[HR]Page \\n[PN]\fP

which will put the page number in the form "Page N" in the
centre footer, in Helvetica. If you change this to something like

.ds CF \f[HR]\v'-1m'Page \\n[PN]\v'1m'\fP

then it will be 1m higher, within the same footer margin space,
than it was before, and will be self-contained and should not
interfere with anything else (unless you choose your settings
so that it overwrites something above it ... ).

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.hard...@wlandres.net>
Date: 17-Apr-2012  Time: 08:26:31
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