I have been trying to use groff to create the content files for epubs, and fbreader is refusing to read them. I have tracked down a few bugs and squashed them, but still nothing seems to work. So on the off chance that it's groff causing the problem, or my mis-use of groff, the command line that I am using is:

groff -Txhtml -U -s -ms manual01.ep > epub/OEBPS/Text/manual01.xhtml

where 'manual01.ep' is (obviously) my input file. There are five such input files, each one written to a similarly-named output file in epub/OEBPS/Text.

In the event that my bug is in the content.opf or toc.ncx files, I shall continue to research them. However, I am becoming convinced that it is not, as the navigation system works fine; it's only the page content that does not render.

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