On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 15:29, Deri James <d...@chuzzlewit.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> Are you talking about missing from the bookmark ouitline panel or missing from
> the text of the document?
> Missing from outline = each \X warning indicates a character was dropped. (For
> the reason Keith gave).
> Missing from document = probable font problem. (And we'd need a minimal
> example as requested by Werner).
> Deri

Hi Deri,

Keith clarified, that the errors came from pdfroff, I thought they
were from groff directly. At this moment I don't care about the
bookmarks really, all I want is to have the document display

Example text should read:
Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.

with iconv '-futf8' '-tlatin2', pipe to groff, doesn't complain:
Píli lu»ouký k úpl ábelské ódy.

with no conversion, complains with stdin:136: can't translate
character code 195 to special character `~A' in transparent
Pli luouÄk k pÄl Äbelsk© dy.

When I use -k -Dutf8:
P liš žluouk k pl belsk dy.

This happens for me with the default fonts as well, not just the ones
that I have converted. I suspect groff doesn't know how to find the


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