On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 11:03:37 James K. Lowden wrote:
> Is anyone here aware of a troff-ish project to display man pages?  I
> can name several projects, starting with info, designed to *replace*
> man pages with something better?  I observe we still have man pages.  I
> would be nice if we had something better than less(1) to view them in.
> A quick search of the archives doesn't turn up anything relevant, so I
> thought I'd ask.
> --jkl

On KDE you can use either the Konqueror or rekonq browser to display the man 
pages. You just prefix the man page you are looking for with the '#' character 
or "man:/" into the URL field. 

e.g #groff_man will give you the groff_man pages

I do not know if Gnome has any equivalent.


Graham Smith

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