On 07/02/12 13:08, Louis Guillaume wrote:
> Is there a way to make `.pdfhref' or `.pdfbookmark' links go to the
> sections themselves ...

For me, that's exactly what they do, by default, both with Adobe
Reader-9, and with Evince-2.32.0/poppler/cairo-0.14.3

> ... rather than to the page that the target is on?

I do seem to recall seeing similar behaviour with an older version of
Evince, or maybe with kpdf, (in the Ubuntu-8.04 era); Adobe Reader has
never, IME, exhibited such behaviour.

> For example, my headings are done like this...
> .NH 1
> .LP
> ... then the link is like this...
> .pdfhref L -D CONTACTINFORMATION  --  Contact Information

You don't say, but I'm guessing that you're using the sample -mspdf,
which accompanies the pdfroff/pdfmark distribution?  That looks okay to
me; certainly not significantly different from my own usage.

> When hovering the mouse over the link a little "Go To Page 18" shows up.

I see this too, with Evince; Adobe Reader offers no such feedback.

> And the link links us to the relevant page. But I'd like the link to go
> to the actual heading.

It should do this, automatically; the pdfmark *always* records both page
number and on-page co-ordinates for link destinations, but it can exert
no control over how your PDF reader will interpret this data.

> Is this possible with pdfmark/pdfroff?

Yes.  I suspect your problem is with your PDF reader; perhaps you need
to upgrade to a newer version, or switch to Adobe Reader, (which, IME,
has always done the right thing).


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