A couple hours ago, I wrote:
> In the meantime, thank you for providing a solution that works with
> .bl's current behavior.

Upon further testing, I need to amend this to say, "that SOMETIMES works
with .bl's current behavior."  Whether it works seems to depend on how
far down text goes on the preceding page.

Here is an example where it works:

.bl 49
Here is text.
Here is text.  Here is enough text to make this paragraph span two lines,
which will magically make the centered block on the next page work.
.bl 20
center me
.bl 20
Here is text.

This can be transformed into an example that doesn't work by removing
both lines of the magical sentence (leaving only "Here is text" in the
second paragraph).

Why would this make a difference?  Does it have something to do with,
in one case, the diversion beginning after the page break has been
triggered, and in the other, the diversion itself triggering the page
break?  I don't understand why the escaped .rs would fail to work in
the latter of those cases.

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