
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 02:58:24PM +0100, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
> Hello,
> if someone has a small example document using the ms macros and refer, I'm 
> sure it will help me understand the usage.

I've attached an example MS document with a few comments, and the
resulting postscript.

In a separate file, are the refer entries which must be run past
"indxbib" to create the necessary file used by refer.

I run "indxbib" as follows:

        indxbib -iW -l2 -orefer text_file_of_references

where "refer" is the resulting database that the "refer"
processor uses.  I've dropped "W" so those entries (if any in the
file "text_file_of_references") are not indexed.  I've also
discarded keys shorter than 2 characters because some of my
references are 2 character names.

Hope that this helps.


                           Dean Provins, P. Geoph.
                  KeyID at at pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371: 0x9643AE65
          Fingerprint: 9B79 75FB 5C2B 22D0 6C8C 5A87 D579 9BE5 9643 AE65
%A J.A.R. Blais
%C University of Calgary
%D 1988
%I University of Calgary Press
%T Estimation and Spectral Analysis
%W my copy at school

%A C.J. Tan
%A J.A.R. Blais
%A Dean Allen Provins
%C Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
%D June 13-16, 1999
%T Large Imagery Data Structuring Using Hierarchical Data Format for
Parallel Computing and Visualization
%B The Journal of Supercomputing: An International Journal of
High-Performance Computer Design, Analysis and Use
Proceedings: High Performance Computing Systems and Applications '99
%W Blais has the copy (Chih Jeng Tan)
%K Provins refereed journal

Attachment: test66.ms
Description: Troff MS-macros document

Attachment: test66.ps
Description: PostScript document

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