Ralph --

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> > In other words, mom's already the "front door": a conceptually easy,
> > flexible set of macros that's perfect for beginners, serves the needs
> > of the more experienced, and leads naturally to greater exploration of
> > groff itself.
> Do I recall correctly that it is only interested in PS/PDF output, and
> not text, let alone HTML?  Is that an intrinsic aspect of its design or
> just because you have had no need of other output formats?

You're correct.  The primary thrust of mom is PS/PDF.  Terminal
copy, via -Tascii or -Tutf8, works with relatively straightforward
documents, but no attempt has been made to support it fully.  HTML
would be great, but the (x)html driver is too alpha to devote much
time to it.  I'm not sure groff is the right tool for generating
html anyway.  Seems to me a sed or perl script, applied to a
marked-up document, makes more sense.  In fact, this is how I handle
mom-to-html conversions when the need arises.


Peter Schaffter

Author of The Binbrook Caucus

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