>>> There is no 'tbl' option which allows a "no space" to be set in
>>> this context.  However, there is a trick.  This is to use dummy
>>> columns at the left and/or right, with associated zero column
>>> spacings.  [...]
>> Very nice!  Could you convert this small tutorial into something
>> which I can add to the tbl manpage?
> Ugh.  This looks like an extremely ugly hack abusing tbl(1) in a way
> it was never meant to be used.

???  I strongly disagree.

> In general, you are better off in programming if you avoid using
> counter-intuitive quirks near the borders of languages (in this case,
> empty columns and mixing low-level roff with high-level tbl).

Where is low-level roff?  In the table shown by Ted, namely

  #two words#
  #and three words#

I only see high-level tbl code.


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