On Tuesday 18 Jan 2011 17:51:22 walter harms wrote:
> Hello List,
> i have found an oddity with tbl and large fonts.
> i got the request to make the fonts larger to inprove readability.
> i added the \s16 and found that the width seems to scale but not
> the hight of the table. Is this intended ?
> mean while i will try to use the postscript scale operator to
> solve the problem.


It might be easier to try:-


.ps 16
.vs 20
l l l.
Geraet           | Seriennummer      | Bemerkung
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |11111111111111111  |\_
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |11111111111111111  |\_
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |11111111111111111  |\_
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |11111111111111111  |\_
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   |11111111111111111  |\_


'.ps' sets the font size.
'.vs' sets the vertical space.

so in this case it has 25% 'leading' between the lines.



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