While on this subject, I'm trying to have (in -ms) the page number centered on 
the footer rather than the header.  So I do the requisite

.ds CH "
.ds CF \\n[PN]

But I notice the page number is set way too low on the page, and too far away 
from the end of text.   Fiddling with the values of the registers HM (making it 
smaller) and FM (larger) doesn't seem to help much.  What is the best way to 
a properly seated centered page number on the footer?   In particular, what are 
the layout parameters that affect text height, and distance between the last 
baseline of the text and the footer?  


----- Original Message ----
> From: "ted.hard...@manchester.ac.uk" <ted.hard...@manchester.ac.uk>
> To: groff@gnu.org
> Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 4:31:03 AM
> Subject: RE: [Groff] How to disable page numbering
> On 24-Sep-10 06:35:02, Chris Velevitch wrote:
> > On the second and  subsequent pages there is a page number of
> > the form "-N-". How do I  disable/suppress this?
> > 
> > Also, there seems to be an additional  page offset even though
> > I've added a:-
> > 
> > .po 0
> > 
> > How do I get rid of that? Is is related to the page numbers  being
> > displayed?
> > 
> > I'm doing the following:-
> > 
> > (cat - <<EOF printerfile ) | groff -P-l -P-pA4 | ps2pdf -  test1.pdf
> > .pl 21c
> > .fam C
> > .nr HM 9p
> > .nr FM  0
> > .nr QI 0
> > .nr L 4
> > .ID 0
> > .PO 0
> >  .na
> > .nf
> > .nh
> > .vs 9p
> > .in 0
> > .po 0
> >  .ll 27c
> > .lt 0
> > .ps 7
> > .tl ''''
> > EOF
> > 
> > This is pretty giving me everything I want except for the page
> >  numbers and extra page offset.
> > 
> > Chris
> From ".nr HM 9p",  ".nr FM 0", ".nr QI 0", ".ID 0" it looks as
> though you intend to use the 'ms'  macros. However, there is no
> "-ms" in your quoted groff command. You would  need at least
> (cat - <<EOF printerfile ) | groff -ms -P-l -P-pA4 |  ps2pdf - test1.pdf
> Without "-ms" none of those requests would have any  effect.
> When you use the 'ms' macros, there is no macro ".PO", so  your
> ".PO 0" would have no effect. "PO" is a number register, and to
> get a  zero page-offset you should put ".nr PO 0".
> The 'ms' macros take their  formatting (page offset, line length,
> indent, etc.) from registers like  \[PO], \n[LL], etc., and reset
> at the start of each paragraph to the values  taken from these
> registers (which are set up at the beginning of the  document
> unless explicitly set in the input), requests like ".po 0"
> will  at most only have effect within the current paragraph.
> Page numbers at  the head of pages 2 onwards are the result of
> the definition of the string  "CH" (centre header) in the 'ms'
> macros:
> .ds CH -\\n[PN]-
> To  suppress this, re-define "CH" to be empty:
> .ds CH
> If I'm wrong  about your intended use of the 'ms' macros (for
> example, what is ".nr L 4"  supposed to do? There is no "\n[L]
> in the ms macros, though there is a  "\n[LL]"), then you need
> to tell us what macros you are using. Otherwise your  question
> will be mysterious!
> Hoping this  helps,
> Ted.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> E-Mail:  (Ted Harding) <ted.hard...@manchester.ac.uk>
> Fax-to-email:  +44 (0)870 094 0861
> Date: 24-Sep-10                                         Time: 09:31:00
> ------------------------------ XFMail  ------------------------------


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