On Wed, Jul 07, 2010 at 04:05:12PM +0400, Anton Shepelev wrote:
> I  am trying to adopt tbl for typesetting tables and
> have found one problem that I don't know from  which
> side to approach. It is connected with table width.
> How  to  make my tables' width dependent on the line
> length setting? For example, should I want to  type-
> set  my document with another line width, I'd prefer
> to change only one setting instead of modifying  the
> format strings of all the tables.
> The  problem  is  that tbl is a pre-processor and no
> register interpolations are made by tbl.
> In the simplest scenario it can be assumed that only
> the  last column of my tables must be 'stretchable'.
> Is it  possible  to  have  its  width  automatically
> adjusted so that the table would take maximum possi-
> ble width (taking into account the current indent)?


Are you using the  expand  global option?  See tbl(1).
That makes the table as wide as the line.

 Mike Bianchi
 Foveal Systems

 973 822-2085


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