Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Hi Charlie,

All they're doing is putting mdocml in base to handle manpages.



mdocml is a suite of tools compiling "-mdoc", the roff macro package
    of choice for BSD manual pages, and "-man", the predominant
    historical package for UNIX manuals. The mission of mdocml is to
    deprecate groff, the GNU roff implementation, for displaying -mdoc
    pages whilst providing token support for -man.

Why? groff amounts to over 5 MB of source code, most of which is C++ and all of which is GPL. It runs slowly, produces uncertain output, and varies in operation from system to system. mdocml strives to fix
    this (respectively small, C, ISC-licensed, fast and regular).

"uncertain output"?

That's just one lump in a whole basket full of bizarre. The following is really directed at the mdocml dude…

> over 5 MB of source code

Um… there are these things called "hard drives" that you really need to look into. Seriously, I compiled groff a while back on a 486-based Linux box with a 110MB (that's MB, not GB) drive, which had about 80MB available for the OS once the MS-DOG & swap partitions got their share. And that was the full-zoot groff, not some "base environment."

> most of which is C++ and all of which is GPL

I understand some folks are allergic to GPL, but I fail to see what the problem is with C++. Yeah, it took a while to compile groff on that 486, but it takes a while to do *anything* on a 486.

> It runs slowly

And that statement pretty much casts everything else you say into question. "Runs slowly" compared to what? I haven't found any general- purpose formatter that even comes close to groff, speed-wise, and don't get me started on GUI tools. Some Unix deployments had a "catman" directory with pre-formatted (ASCII) manpages... but are there really general-use systems out there these days that are so slow, even the overhead for processing a manpage is too much to bear? Embedded systems, sure, but who's reading manpages on them?

> produces uncertain output

At this point, I'm convinced that the author has never used groff.

> varies in operation from system to system

Really? I have my work environment set up on MacOSX, Linux, and a Dozebox running Cygwin. Works exactly the same on each box. It's taking a little work to get it going on GnuWin32, but that's because I have to port the support scripts.

Sorry about the rant, but I can't let this disinformation pass unchallenged.


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