Ted Harding:

> One "hack" which might lead to what you want is to calculate an
> indent based on the width of the tag "PS: ", and then increment
> the line-indentation once the paragraph has been started (but
> you would need to reset it at the end of the paragraph):
> (Note the use of the unstretchable space "\ "). With Type 0 para:
> .nr indnt \w'PS:\ '
> .P
> PS:\ This is a hanging paragraph.
> .in +\n[indnt]u
> This is a hanging paragraph.

I have made your code a bit simpler:

   .nr indnt 120
   .in +\n[indnt]u
   .ti -(\n[indnt]u)
   PS:\ Example of a post-scriptum, it has a hanging indent.
   .in -\n[indnt]u

But  I  was asking how to do it using a macro just
like you mentioned it was made in MS.


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