Am Sun, 09 May 2010 06:49:28 +0200 (CEST)
schrieb Werner LEMBERG <>:

> > Is it possible to edit the whole <head> </head> section,
> > [...] but I have to insert the line
> >
> > .HEAD <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="stylesheet.css">
> >
> > into every file.
> Why is this a problem?

It is no 'problem' and I can manage very well.  Background is that
I wrote a small wiki-like document preparation system, in the style
of emacs muse (with links etc) or txt2tags.  Plain text with minimal
markup to be formatted into several formats.  This works well for
1 special purpose, a specific text I'd like to write, with some
special "features" (which others may well call "bugs"). The html
rendering is done with groff. I thought it could be handy to have more
control over the heading part, e.g. the charset which is set to
us-ascii. I was not sure whether that part is hardcoded or not.

I'm not complaining.  Now that i know the place where it is stored, I
could just adapt it to my wishes (whimps?) and recompile groff.  Thanks
a lot for the information. You helped me.


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