> I'm experimenting with the -K utf8 option, because I'd like to input
> utf8 formatted source code:
> groff -s -K utf8 -ms -Tps Input.ms > Output.ps
> This works, as long as I have one single input file.  But when I use
> additional files with the .so request, the characters are not
> recognized.  What am I doing wrong?

Nothing.  This is a known limitation.  Try soelim directly:

  soelim file1 file2 ... | groff ...

Hmm.  Adding -V to your incantation to show the groff pipe gives

  preconv -eutf8 Input.ms | soelim | troff -ms -Tps | grops

Perhaps it makes sense to exchange preconv and soelim in the groff

  soelim Input.ms | preconv -eutf8 | troff -ms -Tps | grops

This should be easy to implement, methinks...


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