A little housekeeping, mainly. Some of this stuff was kicking around
for a while & I'd forgotten to submit it.

-- Larry

PROBLEMS: some OSX solutions and tips.
tmac/www.tmac: turn on orphan control for list items.
contrib/hdtbl/groff_hdtbl.man: added a missing @ to "@MAN1EXT" instance.

RCS file: /sources/groff/groff/PROBLEMS,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.31 PROBLEMS
--- PROBLEMS    5 Jan 2009 20:10:30 -0000       1.31
+++ PROBLEMS    17 Jan 2010 02:33:25 -0000
@@ -919,7 +919,32 @@


-* When compiling on MacOS X, groff compiles but does not run well,
+* In MacOS X, I want to completely replace the groff that came with
+  the system.
+Use ./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man  then make
+and make install. Note that subsequent system updates may replace
+your groff.
+* When compiling on MacOS X 10.2, groff compiles but does not run well,
   especially `eqn', causing many `can't break line' messages.

 Use  ./configure CXX=g++2  then make as usual.
+* When compiling on MacOS X 10.4 with gcc 4.0.1, the build errors
+  out with the following message:
+  g++ -g -O2  -o troff dictionary.o div.o env.o input.o majorminor.o
+ mtsm.o node.o number.o reg.o ...groff/src/libs/libgroff/libgroff.a -lm
+  /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
+  node::~node()
+Locate the line in src/roff/troff/node.cpp:
+  inline node::~node()
+Remove the "inline" keyword, save, and make again.
Index: tmac/www.tmac
RCS file: /sources/groff/groff/tmac/www.tmac,v
retrieving revision 1.63
diff -u -r1.63 www.tmac
--- tmac/www.tmac       5 Jan 2009 10:20:58 -0000       1.63
+++ tmac/www.tmac       17 Jan 2010 02:33:37 -0000
@@ -1186,6 +1186,7 @@
 .    www-emit-ltag li
 .  el \{\
 .    www:paraspace
+.    if rPORPHANS .ne \\n[PORPHANS]v
 .    in \\n[www-li-indent]u
 .    ti -\w'\\*[www-ul-level\\n[www-ul-level]]'u
 .    nop \\*[www-ul-level\\n[www-ul-level]]\c
@@ -1200,6 +1201,7 @@
 .    www-emit-ltag li
 .  el \{\
 .    www:paraspace
+.    if rPORPHANS .ne \\n[PORPHANS]v
 .    in \\n[www-li-indent]u
 .    ti -\w'\\n[www-ol-ctr\\n[www-ol-level]]\ \ 'u
 .    nop \\n+[www-ol-ctr\\n[www-ol-level]]\ \ \c
@@ -1216,6 +1218,7 @@
 .  \}
 .  el \{\
 .    www:paraspace
+.    if rPORPHANS .ne \\n[PORPHANS]v
 .    in \\n[www-li-indent]u
 .    ti -\\n[www-dl-shift]u
 .    nop \&\\$1
Index: contrib/hdtbl/groff_hdtbl.man
RCS file: /sources/groff/groff/contrib/hdtbl/groff_hdtbl.man,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -r1.9 groff_hdtbl.man
< .BR tbl (@MAN1EXT)
> .BR tbl (@MAN1EXT@)

-- end of patch --

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