My bible is a well-worn photocopy of "Using nroff & troff"  from 1990.
I wish that a pdf of it would float around somewhere to download and search ...


On 29/12/2009, at 01:37 PM, Chuck Robey wrote:

Robert Thorsby wrote:
On 29/12/09 12:35:37, Chuck Robey wrote:
You ever see the Sam's book on Unix system
typesetting?  I think I saw a pdf of it on
the web a year or two ago, (I have TWO
printed copies of it!), and you ought to
consider looking at it, it's easily the most
readable things on all aspects of roff
programming available.  You need to have
several of the things from Bell Labs
available while you read macros, but it's a
really, really good start on things.

Nope, haven't got that one. Thanks for the heads up. Will start
googling in the New Year.

Nearly all of what I know (which is not much) I got from this list;
seeing someone's two line idea get expanded by Ted into 20 lines of
practicality and by Werner into a page of definitive code. Of course,
if I am feeling lazy, I just see how Peter does it. :-)

Chicken Little only has to be right once. -- Anon

I just rechecked, I got the exact name wrong, it's "Unix Text Processing", Sam's, authors Dougherty and O'Reilly. That, and the docs that are available from the GNU groff docs page, are enough to write macros from (especially with that really fine intro to macros writing in Unix Text Processing). There's a pdf on the web somewhere, and although I really do wish it would go back into
print, I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

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