On 10/09/2009, at 01:05 AM, (Ted Harding) wrote:
Hi Folks,
I'm encountering some problems importing an EPS file into a groff
document. This is part of an attempt to resolve difficulties
arising in the production of EPS graphics using the R statistical
software package, in particular the use of the function embedFonts().
For those who want to track it to source, the email thread on the
R-help mailing list starts at:
[R] eps file with embedded font Simone Gabbriellini
in the thread-based listing at
It has been partially solved (by Paul Murrel in that thread). What,
however, seems to remain is the issue of importing the file
into a document. To test this, I used groff (of course ... ).
Attached are two EPS files:
I've tried to view them with the Mac's Preview and GraphicConverter.
Both pics had their right sides cut-off.
If you insert a "0.8 dup scale" instruction after %%Page: 1 1
in the first file or change the "0.1 0.1 scale" to "0.08 dup scale" in
the second, you
can see the right sides unclipped.
The problem is that these are not eps files, so Brian's suggestion re
using EPS writer
will probably solve all problems.
It is not absolutely necessary to use eps files, you need to because
you haven't got a macro that
maps [x1 y1 x2 y2] box (world coordinates) to [u1 v1 u2 v2] box
(viewport on your paper).
You may write such a PS routine once and add it to grops' prelude,
then you ca create
a groff macro that uses these mapping data and calls the PS mapping
Of course there is nothing to compel to do such things for the sake of
this project,
but it would come handy with many projects, e.g. when writing your PS
in simple matters like this, which would only take 20-30 lines.