On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:57:05 +0200, Matthias-Christian Ott <o...@mirix.org> wrote:

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 04:20:36PM +0200, Joerg van den Hoff wrote:
I'm using 'refer' (and the ms macros) for generation of auto-numbered literature
references (using the refer 'bibliography' request).

problem: if numbers go beyond 99 there is not enough indentation space,
so I get something like

98. some reference
99. some reference
   some reference

I therefore want to increase the indentation to get

98.  some reference
99.  some reference
100. some reference

but I cannot recall/find how to do this.

I believe what you want to do is not really possible, because groff is a
single-pass typesetting software.

yes, I know. I actually wanted a way to choose a fixed hard-coded indent.

I always write ad-hoc macros, so I can't help you with -ms, but here's
how I solved the problem:

.de ][
.ps 11p
.ft R
.ad l
.ll 5n
.in +5n
.if !"\\*([A"" \\*([A:
.if !"\\*([T"" \fI\\*([T\fP.
.if !"\\*([J"" \{\
In: \fI\\*([J\fP.
.if !"\\*([N"" \\*([N,
.if !"\\*([B"" In: \fI\\*([B\fP.
.if !"\\*([I"" \\*([I,
.if !"\\*([C"" \\*([C
.if !"\\*([D"" \\*([D
.ie !"\\*([P"" , S. \\*([P
.el \.
.if !"\\*([O"" \{\
.ne \\n(dnu
.nr fI \\n(.u
.if \\n(fI .fi
.rm [A [B [C [D [E [G [I [J [K [L [N [O [P [Q [R [S [T [V [X
.de ]-
.di Bi

It basically puts the bibliography at the end and inserts a "column"
with a fixed width which contains the numbers, you have to manually
adjust the column width depending on the bibliography size you have. It
worked for me with about 150 entries.

this perfectly fits my needs. thanks a lot! I did not look at the '][' macro, so I was hoping that there is some 'user-level' switch to adjust the indent via a register. seems not to be the case...

I will see how to adjust your template to my special case. on a first try it works when generating postscript and also when formatting with -Tascii, but in the latter case I get warnings:

./publica:105: warning: only `z' and `u' scale indicators valid in this context
./publica:105: warning: macro `[B' not defined
./publica:105: warning: macro `[I' not defined
./publica:105: warning: macro `[C' not defined
./publica:105: warning: macro `[O' not defined

which are absent when using the default device. any idea where these come from?

thanks again (and I Cc this back to the list...)


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