Efraim Yawitz schrieb: >* On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 7:01 PM, bousch ster <addr...@hidden> wrote:* >*> It seems grops and grohtml are not working for me on Windows Vista even* >* with* >*> UAC disabled.* >*>* >*> this command: groff -p hello.pic > hello.ps* >*> results in: grops<standard input>:4:fatal error: fdopen: Invalid* >* argument* >*> the command: groff -Thtml -p hello.pic > hello.ps* >*> results in: pre-grohtml:fatal error: fdopen: Invalid argument* >*>* >*> the command: groff -Tdvi -p hello.pic > hello.dvi* >*> does work.* >*>* >*> The exact same commands on my Windows XP machine work fine.* >*> I'm using groff-1.20.1.* >*>* >*> Any tips?* >*>* >* From looking at the code, it seems that grops is not succeeding in creating* >* a temporary file, I think in the current directory. Do you have some* >* permissions issue that could cause this?* >* *
>according to the man page (i hope that m$ did not break specs) that means the >"mode" argument >is wrong. perhaps you can add a message like: >/* adjust to your needs !*/ > fprintf("fdopen mode(%s):%s",mode,strerror(errno)); I'm not really set up for compiling anything... Regards, Boudewijn