On May 12 2009 (Tue, 23:17), Larry Kollar wrote:
> Joerg van den Hoff wrote:
>> currently I try to get a multiline footer at the page bottom (in my
>> case only on page one but it could be a running footer, too). I'm  
>> using
>> the `ms' macros. I tried to modify the BT macro as such:
>> .de BT
>> .if \\n%=1 \{\
>> .  sp -2v
>> .  so footer.tbl
>> .  bp
>> \}
>> .ie o .tl \\*[pg*OF]
>> .el   .tl \\*[pg*EF]
>> ..
>> the real problem is my attempt to first backspace two lines so that  
>> the
>> (in my case: four line) table fits in the FM space. without the `.sp'
>> the thing works in principle (but cuts off half my table). simply
>> increasing FM is not the solution for my multipage document I think.
> On the contrary, I think increasing FM is exactly what you need to do. If 
> you need to change it later, just make the change before the page break. 
> You can give it a try and see if it works anyway; what could it hurt? Put 
> in in the command line (maybe groff -ms -rFM=9v) and you won't even have 
> to change your document.

thanks a lot for responding.

what I meant is: I do not want a large FM throughout the document, at
least not, if the multiline footer is not a running footer but only
going to page one.

specifically my problem is: I want to modify an existing template for multipage
letters where some standard stuff (from/to, logos etc) goes on page one. the  
template itself
includes "header files" where things like page length, fonts, and HM, FM
are set. this means I would have to increase FM globally for the whole
document which I don't want.

the other thing is, stupid me _never_ gets a FM
which is varying within the document quite right. especially, where
and when exactly the pseudo page break to page one occurs is never really
clear (probably should read the manuals more thoroughly...). 

and I have no idea whether I can, _after_ the first pseudo page break,
modify FM and enforce another pseudo page break to get the FM into

over all I therefore probably would prefer to fiddle with BT to get the 
footer in place...

best regards,
> -- Larry

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