Chris Schaller schrieb: > Nope. Is this considered a bug? It's just about proper vim settings. > > - Chris > > On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:25 AM, walter harms <> wrote: >> >> Chris Schaller schrieb: >>> Jan, >>> >>> encountered this one, too. What's your fileencoding in vim (:set >>> fileencoding?). You might want to try to set it either to utf-8 or >>> latin-1. Latter worked for me despite having encoding set to utf-8. So >>> you are experiencing a vim configuration issue here... >>> >>> See also :h encoding and :h fileencoding in vim. >>> >>> HTH, >>> Chris >> did someone bother to send a bug report to the vim people ? >> >> re, >> wh >>
i dot know, just report and let the maintainer decide. maybe a more clear wording for the errors/setup would be helpful. personally i say that if people can not handle a program it is also bug. (it may be impossible to fix but that is a different issue). re, wh