Ted Harding wrote:
Is there a program to generate signdling diagrams out there? I
sure could use one right now
What kind of signaling diagrams? Trains, cells, ...? For some
applications, I've found Graphviz makes an excellent front end to
pic (or you can generate ps, etc. directly).
Telephony signaling or provisioning flows. RFC3261 has some examples
(the first on page 12). A more complex example, pretty much as big as
anything I'd have to deal with, is on page 30 of http://
Is this the diagram labelled
Figure 6. Embedded-MTA Secure Power-on Initialization Flow (IPv4 eCM)?
In what format are the data specifying the components of the diagram
That's the one. The format can be pretty much anything — something
fairly easy to maintain would be preferable.
Despite appearances (which might suggest thinking of 'pic') I think,
on the face of it, that it looks like a job that 'tbl' could handle
nicely, with a certain amount of "magic".
However, to get to that poiint (or with 'pic', in fact) I think the
data file should be filtered through (say) a suitable 'awk' program
to generate code that would produce the desired result. This would
depend on how the original data are presented.
Pic might be better… it can manage arrows. So a preprocessor to pic
sounds like the way to go?
-- Larry