> I ``troff'' a simple file, hello.mm whose content is:
> .\" hello.mm
> Hello World!
> with the command line:
> $ /usr/local/bin/groff -mm hello.mm > hello.ps
> and opened it with ``evince'', then I found there are two short bars
> in topleft and topright corners of the page.

This must be a problem with evince then.  Here is the PS output of
your document (omitting the preamble) as processed with the current
CVS version of groff (and I doubt that this has changed recently):

  2.5(-1-)277.006 48 S
  (Hello W)69.336 96 Q
  (orld!) -.8 E
  0 Cg

As you can see, no bars are created.  Maybe those bars indicate the
left and right side of the paper, similar to the flashing lines in gv?


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