Hi Michael,

> > Where do you see \(aq as desired in the Linux man pages?  Only when
> > -Tascii is being used?
> Yes.  This is my attempt to get a reasonable rendering (on both ASCII
> and UTF-8) of chars inside single quotes.  (`x' is ugly in ASCII, 'x'
> is not pretty in UTF-8.)
> man-pages has now made this change (\(aqx\(aq) throughout the set,
> though if someone comes up with a better solution, I'll make furtehr
> changes.

Does that mean authors must type \(aq in normal text?  If so, I can see
why you're looking for something better;  that gives troff a bad name.
:-)  Or is it somehow conditional on -Tascii and -Tutf-8 meaning

    zcat /usr/share/man/man1/true.1.gz | groff -ma4 -man >/tmp/true.ps

still gives nice looking apostrophes.



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