I can't directly answer this, but I'm sure the answer will
be along the lines by which I use TTF fonts (fine details omitted):
1. Create AFM file using TTF2PT1 (don't need the TYPE1 font).
(some TTF fonts have bizarre glyph naming, and this won't work).
2. Create a troff font file using AFMTODIT (program in groff source dist).
3. Install in .../font/devps (better somewhere local and use
4a. Install the TTF font in GhostScript, by editing Fontmap or an
included file.
4b. Or keep the TYPE1 file and put name in devps/download (big output!).
5. Format document containing TTF font, to PostScript.
6. Preview document, using gv, ggv, etc.
7. Convert to PDF using PS2PFD (part of GhostScript). I do this only
when sending to an external printer, then I triply check the PDF with
gv, xpdf and Adobe reader.
Thus it is possible to obviate the need for a backend to support TTF,
using other excellent OS tools. I'll be investigating OTF fonts
sometime, but not now.
Denis M. Wilson