Here's a minimal example. See the attached PNG for output. .\" groff -t -ms > .\" auto-generated cross-refs .ds xref:controlwaniso:txt Controlling the WAN Isolation State .ds xref:controlwaniso:pg 79 .ds xref:setipv6fwd:txt Setting IPv6 \%Forwarding .ds xref:setipv6fwd:pg 80 .ds xref:setdocs1frag:txt Setting DOCSIS 1.0 Fragmentation Support .ds xref:setdocs1frag:pg 80 .ds xref:configloopcurrent:txt Configuring Loop Current .ds xref:configloopcurrent:pg 81 .\" -------------------------------------------------------- .\" Usage: \*[XRIH tag] .ds XRIH \&\\*[xref:\\$1:txt] .ds XRIP \&\\*[xref:\\$1:pg] .\" -------------------------------------------------------- .LP This document illustrates a bug when .I tbl interacts with string variable names that include numerals. .TS expand; lfHBp-1 lfHBp-1 l n . Task Page _ \*[XRIH controlwaniso] \*[XRIP controlwaniso] \*[XRIH setipv6fwd] \*[XRIP setipv6fwd] \*[XRIH setdocs1frag] \*[XRIP setdocs1frag] \*[XRIH configloopcurrent] \*[XRIP configloopcurrent] .TE .LP As can be seen above, the page number is shifted improperly when its string name contains numerals. .\" ---------- EOF ----------------
The obvious workaround, don't use numbers in string variable names, is a hassle. -- Larry
<<inline: tblbug.png>>