Frank Jahnke wrote:
What image formats can be used with groff? To date, I have used
encapsulated Postscript (.eps) and PSPIC with the -ms macro
package, but
I am having increasing difficulty doing the conversion of some complex
images to eps. Are there alternatives that can be used,
like .png, .ps, .jpg or others?
As far as I've been able to tell, all graphics are either EPS or (in
the case of -mwww's .PIMG macro) become EPS. I'd love to find out
different though!
I wrote a shell script to convert PNG files to EPS. This version uses
"sips" (an OSX-specific image processing program) to determine image
width, but could be modified easily enough to use PBMtools or
#! /bin/sh
for i in $@ ; {
fn=`basename $i .png`
sips -g all $i | awk -v fn=$i -v ff=$fn '
# we dont need all these props, but keep them for
future reference
/pixelHeight/ { dh = $2; }
/pixelWidth/ { dw = $2; }
/dpiHeight/ { rh = $2; }
/dpiWidth/ { rw = $2; }
# set DPI to fit in 4.75i
scale =
0.06; # 1200 dpi
if( dw <= 4275 ) scale = 0.08; # 900 dpi
if( dw <= 2850 ) scale = 0.12; # 600 dpi
if( dw <= 2137 ) scale = 0.16; # 450 dpi
if( dw <= 1425 ) scale = 0.24; # 300 dpi
if( dw <= 950 ) scale = 0.36; # 200 dpi
if( dw <= 713 ) scale = 0.48; # 150 dpi
if( dw <= 475 ) scale = 0.72; # 100 dpi
if( dw <= 342 ) scale = 1.0; # 72 dpi
cmd = "pngtopnm " fn " | pnmtops -noturn -
scale=" scale " >" ff ".eps";
print cmd;
system( cmd );
-- Larry