Oh, I also get a segmentation fault in grohtml if I try to convert my
wife's thesis to html with -Thtml (in contrast to -Tps).
If you're interested, I can provide you with the data files. grohtml
works well for me in other uses, but I can believe that my wife's
would trigger bugs (it uses tbl in stressful ways, one footnote is so
long that I had to add a .vs -4 to avoid a bug in groff
overprinting the
following page over the footnote body, and it even uses pic to
a line over a table on one page, via the use of diversions).
Keeping in mind that Gaius Mulley is really the authority on grohtml,
I'll try to explain...
Each macro package has to be modified to work properly with grohtml.
Gaius, I think, did the work for -ms and -man (traditional, not BSD),
and I did part of the work for -mm. There are some namespace
conflicts between -mm and -mwww (a set of extensions that help to
produce better HTML); most notably, both use .LI for list items. So
you can see there's some work to do.
Putting conflicts aside (by using -ms or -man, which isn't possible
in your case), it's possible to get reasonably decent HTML out of
groff with a little scripting. Pre-processors (well, just tbl) are
really the sticky part. I wrote an awk script that processes a subset
of tbl syntax and outputs HTML tables. The RIght Thing would be to
modify tbl to produce HTML, but my C++ chops aren't up to that.
-- Larry