On Monday 20 August 2007 19:03, Meg McRoberts wrote:
> you have to create a PostScript file ...

Actually, you don't.

> and then convert the ps file to PDF: 
>   groff -mandoc -st <filename> > <filename>.ps
>   ps2pdf <filename>.ps <filename>.pdf

   groff -mandoc -st <filename> | ps2pdf - <filename>.pdf

will have exactly the same ultimate effect, without any need to save the 
PostScript file; (of course, the data stream passing through the pipe 
comprises the same PostScript data).

Alternatively, if your groff installation is reasonably up to date

   pdfroff --no-toc -mandoc -st <filename> > <filename>.pdf

should also work, but will be less efficient, for pdfroff aggressively 
reprocesses the input file, looking for, and resolving cross references 
defined using the pdfmark macros, (which haven't been used in this 


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