On Mon, 20 Aug 2007, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

> > How can I obtain a copy of AT&T pic?
> The plan 9 stuff is the nearest one you can get, I think.
> Well, James Clark has written the parser from scratch, probably based
> on his experience with sqtroff.

Thanks for that information.  Thanks also to Dwight and Gunnar for theirs.  
It sounds like sqtroff is the last remaining place I might find some 
precedent for this behavior.  Unfortunately, sqtroff appears to be 
proprietary.  So far, I haven't found the source.  Know if it's available?

> > I'm getting the strong impression that I'm looking at a very obscure
> > usage of GNU pic.  Would you agree?
> Patches are highly welcome :-)

I wouldn't mind writing a patch once I'm sure of which behavior is best. 
My lack of practical experience with pic leaves me reluctant to make a 
judgement call yet.

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