What sort of document is this? Is it mostly text or are there a lot of tables, graphics, and such?
I can think of a few ways that one might get the content into some sort of WYSIWYG editor, but the fancier the formatting, the less satisfactory these will be: - Run the text into formatted ASCII then import the formatted text into Word or some other editor. A command similar to the following might work: groff -mandoc -stC -Tascii <filename>| col -b > <filename>.txt This is for man page source -- replace -mandoc with the appropriate string if the document is using a different set of macros. You will loose all bold/italic and lots of other stuff but it will get you text that does not show the formatting characters. - Run the text into PDF and then try a PDF editor. I know that Broderbund is selling such an editor but I haven't used it. The following commands will create PDF from a groff file (these are the commands I use -- perhaps someone will have a more elegant method) -- note that you have to create a PostScript file and then convert the ps file to PDF: groff -mandoc -st <filename> > <filename>.ps ps2pdf <filename>.ps <filename>.pdf - Convert the groff code to Docbook/XML; editors like you want are available for XML. Here is some information about a tool that does this: http://www.xmlhack.com/read.php?item=1749 These are not perfect solutions but would allow you to capture the text into a format that can be maintained without learning groff. meg