> > [...] but also try to remember those awful, counterintuitive > > Mosaic mouseclick scrolls.
Hey, don't say that. I think it's nice that xterm still uses the athena scrollbar, in contrast to other terminal emulators. (But then I'm also a vim user and I favor RPN calculators.) [snip] > but the application must "install" accelerators, e.g. > XtInstallAccelerators(), to link a possible source hierarchy > of the event with the destination widget that should handle > them. I don't think the Athena Paned widget does this > automatically, but could be wrong. > > Anyway, it seems some code changes may be required after all > and I don't have a solution or further time to work on it but > I thought this might be of use to anyone who has. Some time ago Joerg also asked whether it was possible to do "intelligent scrolling" in xditview like in gv (i.e., scrolling by columns from top left to bottom right and then jumping to the next page). I haven't had much time to look into this, but I think that implementing intelligent scrolling will only be possible with some nontrivial changes to the xditview source, for the very simple reason that xditview is currently not aware of the scrolling at all -- scrolling is completely handled by the widget code, without any feedback from xditview. Nevertheless, with a few limitations, simple scrolling via the keyboard within a page can be made to work. As Ralph has already noted, the primary difficulty lies in the fact that the scroll commands must be given to the scrollbars, whereas we would like to be able to keep the pointer in the actual display area. The athena widget set does provide a generalized mechanism called "accelerators" for this (e.g., to invoke menu items from the keyboard). Accelerators act in most aspects like normal event translations, but there are a few caveats involved: 1. The accelerators must be explicitly "installed", and they are valid only for the particular *instance* of the widget. In our case that means that if the scrollbar gets destroyed and then recreated, the accelerators are lost. Therefore I suggest that we keep the scrollbars always visible. (Otherwise you would probably need to keep track of resizes, guessing when scrollbars get created and then again installing the accelerators. Remember that the viewport widget currently controls all of this autonomously.) 2. Events (key or button) do not get passed upward in the hierarchy by a widget if that widget has any translations for that type of event (key or button). That means you may not have any key translations for the "clip", "viewport", or "label" widgets[*], neither in your .Xdefaults / app-defaults / X resource data base, nor in the builtin fallback resources. That means we have to replace the builtin app-defaults and get rid of or replace those translations in .Xdefaults and /etc/X11/app-defaults/GXditview. [*]My idea here is to install the accelerators on the "paned" widget, so that keyboard scrolling works even with the pointer in the "label" field at the bottom. Another limitation to scrolling with the keyboard is that without using the mouse the athena scrollbars can only be made to scroll for a full length of the scrollbar. If you need smaller steps, I guess the only way is by providing a dedicated callback procedure that explicitly sets the position. Within these limitations, making scrolling work from the keyboard requires only small changes to the code. I've attached a diff file for xditview.c (only one line to be inserted) and a GXditview.ad file to replace the one in groff/src/devices/xditview. (You may also need to get rid of conflicting app-defaults elsewhere.) I've also chosen some pretty pastel colors which are much easier on the eyes than the default black & white setup.
Index: xditview.c =================================================================== RCS file: /sources/groff/groff/src/devices/xditview/xditview.c,v retrieving revision diff -b -u -r1.1.1.1 xditview.c --- xditview.c 1 Jun 2004 10:39:55 -0000 +++ xditview.c 25 May 2007 20:21:16 -0000 @@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ XtRealizeWidget (toplevel); if (file_name) SetPageNumber (page_number); + XtInstallAllAccelerators(paned,paned); XtAppMainLoop(xtcontext); return 0; }
GXditview*shapeStyle: rectangle GXditview.paned.allowResize: true GXditview.paned.label.skipAdjust: true GXditview.paned.viewport.skipAdjust: false GXditview.paned.viewport.showGrip: false GXditview.paned.viewport.allowVert: true GXditview.paned.viewport.allowHoriz: true GXditview.paned.viewport.forceBars: true ! viewport size = papersize * resol + scrollbarthickness + 1 ! letter size paper !GXditview.paned.viewport.width: 652 !GXditview.paned.viewport.height: 840 ! a4 size paper GXditview.paned.viewport.width: 635 GXditview.paned.viewport.height: 892 GXditview.paned.viewport.Scrollbar.thickness: 14 GXditview.paned.viewport.Scrollbar.background: Thistle GXditview.paned.viewport.Scrollbar.foreground: Orchid GXditview.paned.viewport.Scrollbar.thumb: None GXditview.paned.viewport.dvi.background: LemonChiffon GXditview.paned.viewport.background: Thistle GXditview.paned.label.background: PeachPuff GXditview.menu.background: Gold GXditview.promptShell.promptDialog*background: Gold GXditview.promptShell.promptDialog.accept.background: DarkOliveGreen1 GXditview.promptShell.promptDialog.cancel.background: RosyBrown1 GXditview.promptShell.promptDialog.value.background: Khaki GXditview.paned.translations: #augment \ <Key>Next: NextPage()\n\ <Key>n: NextPage()\n\ <Key>space: NextPage()\n\ <Key>Return: NextPage()\n\ <Key>Prior: PreviousPage()\n\ <Key>p: PreviousPage()\n\ <Key>b: PreviousPage()\n\ <Key>BackSpace: PreviousPage()\n\ <Key>Delete: PreviousPage()\n\ <Key>g: SelectPage()\n\ <Key>o: OpenFile()\n\ <Key>r: Rerasterize()\n\ <Key>q: Quit() GXditview.paned.viewport.clip.translations: #augment \ <Btn1Down>: XawPositionSimpleMenu(menu) MenuPopup(menu) GXditview.paned.label.translations: #augment \ <Btn1Down>: XawPositionSimpleMenu(menu) MenuPopup(menu) GXditview.paned.viewport.vertical.accelerators: #override \ <Key>k: StartScroll(Backward) NotifyScroll(FullLength) EndScroll()\n\ <Key>j: StartScroll(Forward) NotifyScroll(FullLength) EndScroll()\n\ <Key>Up: StartScroll(Backward) NotifyScroll(FullLength) EndScroll()\n\ <Key>Down: StartScroll(Forward) NotifyScroll(FullLength) EndScroll() GXditview.paned.viewport.horizontal.accelerators: #override \ <Key>h: StartScroll(Backward) NotifyScroll(FullLength) EndScroll()\n\ <Key>l: StartScroll(Forward) NotifyScroll(FullLength) EndScroll()\n\ <Key>Left: StartScroll(Backward) NotifyScroll(FullLength) EndScroll()\n\ <Key>Right: StartScroll(Forward) NotifyScroll(FullLength) EndScroll() GXditview.menu.nextPage.label: Next Page GXditview.menu.previousPage.label: Previous Page GXditview.menu.selectPage.label: Goto Page GXditview.menu.print.label: Print GXditview.menu.openFile.label: Open GXditview.menu.quit.label: Quit GXditview.promptShell.allowShellResize: true GXditview.promptShell.promptDialog.value.translations: #override \ <Key>Return: Accept() \n\ <Key>Escape: Cancel() GXditview.promptShell.promptDialog.accept.label: Accept GXditview.promptShell.promptDialog.accept.translations: #override \ <BtnUp>: Accept() unset() GXditview.promptShell.promptDialog.cancel.label: Cancel GXditview.promptShell.promptDialog.cancel.translations: #override \ <BtnUp>: Cancel() unset()