On 20-May-07 09:56:15, Sigfrid Lundberg wrote:
> [...]
> I've a manuscript of a book containing medieval greek quotations
> and to format those I installed a subset of kerkis fonts (quoting
> from my download file), namely:
> Kerkis-Italic           Kerkis-Italic.pfa
> Kerkis                  Kerkis.pfa
> Kerkis-SemiBold-Italic  Kerkis-SemiBold-Italic.pfa
> Kerkis-SemiBold         Kerkis-SemiBold.pfa
> which I "mounted" on groff fonts KI, KR, KBI and KB and treat as font 
> family K.

First, I would make absolutely sure that your fonts KI, KR, KBI
and KB are correctly and fully installed -- that there is a font
description file with the same name for each, that they are all
correctly registered in the DESC file under devps, and that the
font-downloads are also correctly entered in the "download" file.

If it passes these checks and still doesn't work, I would suggest
trying a method I worked out for using Cyrillic fonts. This looks
clumsy in the first instance, but it has certain advantages, and
it can at the same time work round difficulties in accessing
extra fonts by the usual groff methods. I'll explain it using
the Cyrillic context.

First, I have a macro .Cyrillic which starts:

.\" CYRILLIC SUPPORT. Uses the AntCy font ("Antique") by default
.\" KOI8 Encoding below.
.\" Usage: .Cyrillic [font]  /or/  .Cyr  /or/  .cyr
.\" ACy    Academy              *KOI8 Tall ascenders; elegant Serif
.\" AdvCy  Advertisement         KOI8 not -> HbkCy LazCy
.\" AntCy  Antiqua [default]    *KOI8 Closer to Courier
.\" CCy    College              *KOI8 Like Times, slightly heavier
.\" CCyB   College-Bold         *KOI8 Bold of previous
.\" CCyR   College              *=CCy
.\" HbkCy  Handbook              KOI8 not -> AdvCy LazCy
.\" LazCy  Lazurski              KOI8 not -> AdvCy HbkCy
.\" MagCy  Magazine             *KOI8 This & next are stylish Sans
.\" TCy    Textbook             *KOI8 This more "solid", above more
.de Cyrillic
.ds oldfam \\n[.fam]
.nr oldfont \\n[.f]
.ie !'\\$1'' \{\
.ft \\$1
.ftr Cy \\$1 \}
.el \{\
.ft AntCy
.ftr Cy AntCy \}
.char \(yu \N'192'
.char a \N'193'
.char b \N'194'
.char \(ts \N'195'
.char d \N'196'
.char e \N'197'
.char \(e: \N'197'\f(TR\*:\fP
.char \(yo \N'197'\f(TR\*:\fP
.char \(Ch \N'254'
.char \(CH \N'254'
.char \[Tch] \N'254'
.char \[Tsch] \N'254'
.char \[TCH] \N'254'
.char \[TSCH] \N'254'
.char \(HS \N'255'
.char \(Hs \N'255'
.char \[HARD] \N'255'

Not that it allows a choice of font when invoked as for instance
.Cyrillic ACy
otherwise using the AntCy font by default. Then it assigns the
numeric Koi8 encoding to Roman transcriptions of Cyrilllic
characters (and note that alternative transcriptions are define).

The companion macro /Cyrillic undoes the effect of Cyrillic,
and starts:

.de /Cyrillic
.rchar \(yu
.rchar a
.rchar b
.rchar \(ts
.rchar d
.rchar e
.rchar \(e:

Now you can enter Cyrillic text like

\[Yu]ri\[i:] Gagarin
Nikita \[Kh]ru\[shsc]\[o:]v

The use of the numerical access \N'nnn' ensures that the correct
glyph is accessed, independently of the name that may have been
asssigned to it in the .pfa file (which ought to be what gets
into the groff font description file, e.g. KR in your case,
but which in my experience may fail to work).

Then, if you defing your corresponding macros, you can for instance

.Greek KI

> I used groff current as of 20070518 for the task, with the 
> afmtodit as distributed. Professor Robert Goulding at Princeton
> University did a similar job some years ago, but his package
> is not to be found on the Internet[1].

It seems that Robert Goulding is no longer at Princeton, but
is listed there as being an Alumnus Fellow:


  Robert Goulding, History and Philosophy of Science,
  University of Notre Dame

and, at Notre Dame, he can be found under History and Philosophy
of Science, where he has a personal web page:


and a link to the departmental Faculty web page:


but on neither is there any link to a web page with his "goodies"
on it!

Since Robert is a contributor to this list, I'm sure he will
be happy to tell us where these resources can now be found (if
thay can still be found).

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 20-May-07                                       Time: 12:41:48
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