> You should now have write permission.

Thanks.  I'll use them carefully, and not commit anything I haven't tested.
Here's my current work plan, subject to your approval:

1. Polish up and test a version of the eqn patch with full documentation.
   Ship that to you for review.

2. Build and test an "auto-bell" patch that enables Bell Labs localisms 
   automatically when SC is used in a document.

3. Test my write access by committing a comment change to s.tmac noting 
   that the Bell Labs macros collide with Berkely .UC.

4. Commit the auto-bell patch.

5. Commit the eqn patch, if a reasonable amount of time has passed and
   your review has not turned up flaws.

6. Start looking at macro simplification again, but I don't plan
   on committing any of these without checking twice with testing 
   and your review.

As Clint Eastwood said, "A man's got to know his limitations", and I
am much less confident about modifying complex troff macros than I
am about hacking C.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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