One small thought about man page compatibility... We have a fundamental problem between Linux and most Unix systems because of the section-naming differences. I have never figured out a good way around that. My current job includes responsibility for a handful of man pages about applications that run on Linux, Solaris, and Windows. For Windows, I just run the text into a PDF file and publish it. And I don't have a good solution for what to do about man pages for Linux and Solaris -- all the information may be the same but file formats are section 5 on Linux and section 4 on Solaris; administrative commands are section 8 on Linux and section 1M on Solaris.
As for the larger discussions, most of what I'm writing does not need any fancy formatting. I would love to know the basic set of codings I can use that are pretty likely to work on any system. I might some day decide to use something that isn't so portable but I wouldn't accidentally do that. meg _______________________________________________ Groff mailing list