Gaius Mulley wrote:

> > Putting a PS file before the '.TL' in a -ms file causes grohtml to hang at 
> > beginning of generating HTML. This used to work, but I think it broke 
> > between 1.19.1 and 1.19.2. 
> > 
> > $ awk -f htbl.awk | groff -ms -mtrace -mwww -Thtml -P-n -P-r 

> what does your awk script transform the input file into?

It just transforms tbl stuff to HTML markup. For the example given, it has no 
effect and should be omitted.

> Here is my test which passes with groff-1.19.3

Running an update didn't change anything for either pre-grohtml or post-
grohtml. If I move the PSPIC statement *below* the TL, formatting completes 
but grohtml doesn't generate an img tag. I can't put in a conditional to use 
PIMG for -Thtml & PSPIC for -Tps, because -Thtml uses *both* (as shown in 
my example output).

I'm thinking either my EPS file has some problems, or there's a hiccup in the 
conversion process. Gaius, could I send you my logo EPS & have you try it 
with that?

-- Larry

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