On Friday, 11 August 2006 at  0:11:05 +0200, Tadziu Hoffmann wrote:
>> BTW, in German, AFAIK, you should use `-', not \[en].
> Are you sure about this?  I just checked a few examples
> (real books, so I assume these were created by professional
> typesetters) both old (letterpress stuff, yay!) and new, and
> they all use the en dash (or, in an old book, something longer,
> like a 3/4-em dash) for number ranges (page ranges when citing
> journal articles or year ranges like "Platon (429--348)").

Duden 1 (Rechtschreibung) agrees with you.  Or at least, an older
version does; they no longer include the section on typesetting in the
newer editions.

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