Frank Jahnke wrote:
I use refer a lot to process references in [gt]roff.  I have been unable
to figure out how to handle the groupings of references.  An example
would be:

The flux capacitor has been studied widely [7-23] after the pioneering
work of Smith [11-15]...

where those references are listed at the end of the document.
It is easy to have the references listed as [7, 8, 9, and so on] after
they are cited.  Is there a way to do this without suppressing the
reference in the text body and putting it in manually?


yes, their is a way (and to be fair, it _is_ in the manpage of refer and one can understand that passage without making it a project of it's own -- which is not the case with other parts of the manpage,
I'm afraid :-) ):

I use the following refer settings regularly (with -ms macros)

search-truncate 255
bracket-label " [" "]" ", "
reverse A
sort A
join-authors " and " ", " ", "

the relevant command is `abbreviate-label-ranges' (see manpage for the details).


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