> I have a design document that I need to output in two forms: as a
> properly typeset PostScript file (troff) and in plain text (nroff).
> I want the latter not to have page breaks.

Have a look how this problem is solved in an-old.tmac.

> 1.  I can't find a number register than I can tweak to change the
>     page height.  The ones I find are read-only and can only be set
>     from the command line.

In an-old.tmac, the requests `.ne' and `.bp' are redefined to increase
and set the page length as necessary (with `.pl').  Additionally, no
header and footer traps are used.  Of course, this is suitable for
online-display only, not for paper output.

Do you want to a single large page?

> 2.  The document contains footnotes.  If I do set a large page size
>     from the command line, I have to guess it exactly, or I end up
>     with a footnote separated from the rest of the document by a lot
>     of white space.

Hmm.  Shall the footnotes be converted to endnotes?


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